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Our Dark Duet Pdf Download Free

When Humans Do Monstrous Things

A lesson in pain and humility in Victoria Schwab's 'Monsters of Verity' series.

Nusrat Nisa

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What if all the monstrous sins committed in the world took shape? What if monstrous things reap more monstrosity and the monsters you created go on causing more harm? In this world where sinners and oppressors are everywhere, wouldn't we all be overrun? This is the world that Victoria Schwab creates in the Monsters of Verity books.

I don't like to read reviews before buying a book of I can afford to be disappointed. Sometimes, in my more adventurous days, I don't even look at the blurb. The latter applies to the time I picked up this duology. I had no idea what this was about. I knew it was a fantasy fiction, and there would probably be some music in it (duh!). I wanted to be surprised. Oh, and this was so worth it!

If any of you are like me, then I suggest you stop reading this and just go on ahead to the books. You won't be disappointed.

"Monsters, monsters, big and small,
They're gonna come and eat you all.
Corsai, Corsai, tooth, and claw,
Shadow and bone will eat you raw.
Malchai, Malchai, sharp and sly,
Smile and bite and drink you dry.
Sunai, Sunai, eyes like coal,
Sing you a song and steal your soul.
Monsters, monsters, big and small,
They're gonna come and eat you all!"

Victoria Schwab, Monsters of Verity

This Savage Song

Source: Goodreads

"Plenty of humans are monstrous, and plenty of monsters know how to play at being human."

In Verity, there are three types of monsters. Corsai — living in darkness and feeding on flesh and bone; created when people hurt and torture each other. Malchai — feeding on blood like vampires from myths; created when you take a life. And Sunai — the rarest type. They can steal your soul by the power of their music; the result of the most heartbreaking phenomenon of all: mass murder.

August has forever wanted to be something he is not. His beloved music is like a curse to the humans he loves so much. As one of the only three Sunai, he has to work to bring balance in V-city, as only the Sunai has the power to condemn the sinners and monsters alike.

Kate has always wanted her father's attention, wanted his approval. Losing her faith in humanity, she too wants to become something she's not. So, to earn her father's love and join in his ranks, she will capture the one creature that no one has ever gotten hold of: a Sunai.

My thoughts

This book is very close to my heart. Schwab created this fascinating fantasy world that also seems oddly believable. These days, humans have the capability of becoming monsters. This book makes us confront this fact that humans are the main calamity in our world.

"It hurts," he whispered.
"What does?" asked Kate.
"Being. Not being. Giving in. Holding out. No matter what I do, it hurts." Kate tipped her head back against the tub. "That's life, August," she said. "You wanted to feel alive, right? It doesn't matter if you're monster or human. Living hurts."
Victoria Schwab, This Savage Song

This is a love story like no other. It is not just about falling in love with the most unlikely of creatures but also loving ourselves. This book will teach you to be appreciative of yourself, no matter what label everyone puts you on. What we are born is not as important as what we aspire to be. This book made me realize anew that: pretending to be something I'm not would never work. I just need to be the best version of me I can be.

Our Dark Duet

Source: Goodreads

"Doesn't do much good," she'd said, "to fear one kind of death and not another."

The next book starts a few months after the first book leaves us. Kate has escaped to another city, fighting different monsters created by different sins. But when a new type of monster emerges — one that can manipulate the minds of even the purest of all into heinous acts, Kate knows she has to warn August.

August has taken up the mantle to judge the souls who are not worthy, something he has always abhorred. But when old enemies are revived and new ones come knocking, he has to take up his violin to help humans see right from wrong.

My thoughts

There were two kinds of monsters, the kind that hunted the streets and the kind that lived in your head. She could fight the first, but the second was more dangerous. It was always, always, always a step ahead."
Victoria Schwab, Our Dark Duet

Normally sequels feel like they are lacking in some way. But this book is the perfect finish to the heartwrenching world. It's amazing how the author shows the growth in all the characters. Every page is like one suspense after another.

This book will make your heart laugh on one page, and ache in the next. This story tells you of families, not drawn by blood, but love. It will make you love humans despite all the things that we do, even though sometimes, love is not something we deserve. Everyone has darkness inside. Everyone has a reason for what they do. And no one can really judge who is pure in character and who is not. No human is a definitive black and white.

These two books made me care for the characters in such a short time. Even the least likely character has soul in them, making you look for resemblance with yourself. I cried while reading both books. And in my opinion, if a book can make me cry this much, if a book can touch me enough that I cannot hold my tears, that book is a great one to me. My way of choosing books blind has made me regret my choice in many cases, but books like these make me still want to go on blind dates with books, looking for a new favorite.

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